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Understanding Your Customer: Tools and Techniques I’ve Learnt Along the Way

As the CEO of a small tech-led market research firm that’s been around for over two decades, I’ve seen the landscape of customer understanding evolve dramatically. Our journey, from our humble beginnings to a firm recognised for its market insights, has taught us invaluable lessons about the importance of truly knowing our customers. Here, are some thoughts, tools and techniques that have been pivotal in our growth journey to date

1. Listening Intently Through Customer Feedback

In the early days, our approach was quite ad-hoc which is understandable for any young, growing business

However today, we place high importance on carving out time specifically to chat to our clients, to understand the good, the bad and the ugly – what they like, what they don’t like and what we could do better. It’s not always easy listening but it provides a direct line to understanding their needs, pain points, and expectations. It has also helped us to understand how they see us too, which has at times been different from how we see ourselves.

2. Building Customer Personas

Creating detailed customer personas has been instrumental in tailoring our services. By segmenting our customers into specific groups based on demographics, behaviour patterns, and needs, we can better target our marketing efforts and service offerings. This technique ensures that our messaging and product development are always aligned with what our customers truly want.

3. Engaging Through Social Media

There is no doubt that social media has transformed how businesses connect with their customers. Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter offer us a way to engage with our audience directly and personally. We have been slow adopters in this area, with limited resources restricting faster progress, but this is changing and we are up-skilling all the time, as we recognise its importance as a way of speaking to clients and prospects.

4. Embracing Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the complete customer journey has been crucial. By mapping out every touchpoint a customer has with our firm, from prospect all the way through to onboarded client, we can identify areas of improvement and opportunities to enhance their experience. This holistic view helps us ensure that every interaction adds value and strengthens our relationship with our customers.

5. Investing in CRM Systems

Our investment in a robust Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system has paid off immensely. We can now track and manage customer interactions efficiently. They provide a 360-degree view of our customer relationships, helping us tailor our approach to meet individual customer needs better.

Understanding your customer is an ongoing journey, not a destination. Over the years, these tools and techniques have helped us stay attuned to our customers’ evolving needs, helping us in our aim to deliver exceptional value consistently. As we continue to grow and adapt, our commitment to understanding and serving our customers remains at the heart of everything we do.

By continually refining our approach and leveraging the best tools available, we can not only meet but exceed our customers’ expectations, driving success for both our clients and Qumind.


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