Creative testing driving a redesign of utility bills
How we helped Scottish Power
Confusion around bills and account balances led the digital team at Scottish Power to look into redesigning the digital bill. To do that they wanted to understand the critical elements of the bill from a customer's perspective and get a clear picture of pain points in the online user experience.
We carried out mixed-method approach in the form of in-depth interviews and an online survey. Interviews with screen share focused on the user experience and explored needs and expectations, whilst the survey concentrated on assessing needs and expectations and testing new billing concepts.
The research was well received by the digital team and fed into their workstream to inform a revamp of the digital bill, making it both clearer and more user-friendly.
"We worked as an extension of the Scottish Power team enabling them to focus on what mattered most - getting closer to their customers. This helped drive the required changes needed whilst ensuring full Scottish Power customer buy-in."
Kevin Woods
QuMind Insights Team
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