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Branding Surveys for Customers – A Guide for 2024

Rebranding can be a powerful strategy to refresh a company’s image, attract new customers, and stay relevant. However, a successful rebrand hinges on thorough research and a deep understanding of your audience. Without these elements, rebranding has the potential to lead to significant missteps.

The Importance of Branding Surveys

Branding surveys are essential tools that enable companies to gauge customer perceptions, preferences, and expectations. By conducting comprehensive surveys, businesses can gather invaluable insights that guide their branding decisions and strategies.

A notable example of rebranding gone wrong is the WHSmith logo change. In an attempt to modernise their image, WHSmith introduced a new logo, but it was met with widespread criticism. Customers were left confused, with the new signage and logo being criticised for its similarity to the NHS logo, forcing WHS to release a statement and claim this new logo was a ‘trial’. This backlash could have been mitigated with proper research and understanding of customer sentiment prior to making the change.

Key Steps in Conducting Effective Branding Surveys

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you aim to achieve with the rebrand. Are you looking to alter your brand’s perception, reach a new audience, or differentiate from competitors?
  2. Identify Your Audience: Know who your customers are. Segment them based on demographics, buying behaviour, and preferences to ensure you are gathering relevant insights.
  3. Craft Thoughtful Questions: Develop questions that delve into how customers perceive your current brand and what changes they would like to see. Include both open-ended questions for detailed feedback and closed-ended questions for quantifiable data.
  4. Utilise Various Formats: Use a mix of surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews to gather comprehensive data. Online surveys can reach a wider audience, while focus groups can provide more nuanced insights.
  5. Analyse the Data: Carefully analyse the collected data to identify patterns and key takeaways. Understand what aspects of your brand resonate with customers and what areas need improvement.
  6. Test New Concepts: Before rolling out the rebrand, test new logos, taglines, and branding elements with a sample group of your customers. This can help avoid potential missteps and ensure the changes are well-received.
  7. Iterate and Improve: Use the feedback from your tests to make necessary adjustments. Branding is an iterative process, and fine-tuning your approach based on customer feedback is crucial.

Rebranding can be a double-edged sword –  while it holds the potential to rejuvenate a brand and drive growth, it also carries the risk of alienating loyal customers if not done correctly. The WHSmith logo change serves as a cautionary tale of the consequences of overlooking customer sentiment…

By leveraging branding surveys and conducting thorough research, companies can make informed decisions that align with customer expectations and market trends. At Qumind, we specialise in conducting such surveys to gain an in depth understanding of customer sentiment, ensuring your rebranding efforts are backed by solid data and insights. Invest in understanding your customers before embarking on a rebrand, and set your business up for success in 2024 and beyond.

Get a free trial of our platform or a one-to-one demo with one of our experts by clicking here!


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