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When Does a Market Research Panel Transform into a True Community?

The terms “panel” and “community” are often used in research, marketing, and various organisational contexts to describe groups of people. However, in market research, these terms hold distinct meanings. Recognizing the difference is crucial for appropriating their usage effectively. 

Breaking down a “community” in market research

Traditionally, a community refers to groups found on platforms like Facebook, where individuals share common interests, goals, or characteristics and engage with each other regularly. These communities aim to build relationships, share knowledge, and foster a sense of belonging over the long term. 

Panel VS Community in Market Research

In market research, both a panel and a community are specifically selected groups chosen to provide feedback or opinions on topics, products, or services over a certain period. While panels typically provide long-term insights across multiple topics, communities often delve into specific subjects in depth over a shorter period. This distinction can sometimes blur, leading to confusion. 

Core Characteristics

Both panels and communities consist of a fixed number of members selected based on criteria relevant to the study. Members are usually incentivised, and interaction is often limited in panels but high in communities. Feedback is collected through structured methods like surveys or discussions. 

Interaction Levels

In a community setup, members are encouraged to interact, share information, and collaborate. This ongoing engagement creates a rich environment for qualitative insights. On the other hand, panels focus on one-way feedback and data collection, with limited or no member interaction. Panellists are asked to provide responses to specific questions through surveys or polls, offering a more controlled and quantitative approach. 

Setting Research Goals

Choosing between a panel and a community depends on your research goals. If you need ongoing, broad feedback on multiple topics, a panel is ideal. Panels help in tracking responses over time, aligning with long-term research strategies. For in-depth interactions and detailed discussions on a specific subject, a community is more suitable. Communities facilitate a dynamic environment where participants feel more connected to the brand and each other, thereby enhancing the richness of insights gathered. 

Qumind’s Flexible Solutions

Qumind offers comprehensive solutions tailored to all budgets. These range from self-serve options—perfect for larger in-house teams that desire control—to fully managed services, providing expert guidance and the support of a dedicated Community Manager and Insight Team. Qumind’s expertise ensures that every aspect of the research community or panel is optimised for maximum engagement and data quality, from the initial member recruitment to the final analysis of results. 

Our scalable approach ensures businesses of any size can leverage market research effectively. Whether you choose a self-serve platform or a managed service, Qumind equips you with the tools and expertise needed to gather valuable insights and achieve long-term success. Our platform is designed to be user-friendly, offering intuitive dashboards to track responses, analyse data, and extract meaningful insights quickly. With Qumind, you also have the flexibility to switch between a community setup and a panel depending on your evolving research needs, ensuring you always have the best tools at your disposal. 

Get in touch to find out how Qumind can help you harness insights to drive business growth. Our team is ready to assist you in choosing the perfect solution tailored to your market research objectives. With Qumind, you don’t just get data—you gain actionable insights that propel your business forward. 


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