Expand your capability to deliver more insight reports to key decision makers in double quick time!

Share more insight from the Boardroom to the Frontline with our time saving QuAI report writing tools

Summary Reports
Automatically draw out key headlines with recommended actions to circulate information quickly to lead decision makers.

Full Reports
In just 10 minutes, our platform generates comprehensive reports packed with actionable insights.

Proactively interrogate the data with open questions avoiding the need to create complex and lengthy data tables.
QuAI Supports Insight Teams Worldwide
The QuAI report writer does all the analytical heavy lifting for your research projects. This enables the user to run multiple reports and spend time adding value rather than creating reports from scratch
Extract actionable insights more quickly and deliver to the stretch deadlines from internal stakeholder, ultimately driving better decision-making and improved business outcomes.

QuAI Summaries
QuAI Reports enables users to automatically generate top line summary reports from their consumer insights, creating an overview of the survey and drawing out the key headlines at speed.
Insights specialists can then add further information before circulating the report with business leaders.
QuAI Reports
Generate full reports in 10 minutes to inform customer lead decision making.
Reduce the time for analysis and report development from two days to 10 minutes, covering all aspects of the survey from presenting the analysis in paragraphs to recommended actions.

QuAI Interrogate
Proactively interrogate the data with open questions avoiding the need to create complex and lengthy data tables.
No coding required – just use plain English to ask questions.
Use open questions to reduce time spent on data tabulations and data processing.
Let us help you
get closer to your
Talk to us about how we can help drive change through
intelligent insight. Speak to a member of our team or
book an online or in person demo today.